Simoney KyriakouOct 22 2020

Is your advice up to scratch?

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If you could hear what your client says about you the moment they put the phone down or turn off Zoom, would you be pleased or dismayed?

Perhaps Robert Burns’s cry to the universe: “O wad some Power the giftie gie us, to see oursels as ithers see us”, is not one we would wish upon ourselves – at least not in its warts-and-all entirety.

Yet it is worth knowing how well our work and efforts are seen and appreciated by others. It’s the reason a simple ‘thank you’ goes a long way, and why it is always rewarding to be recognised by a great review or an award.

Advisers are succeeding despite Covid-19, the rise of the robots and the dearth of face-to-face meetings amid the pandemic

So it is Financial Adviser’s pleasure to be able to showcase the Top 100 Financial Advisers, based on a range of metrics, such as the ability to grow despite a downturn, to retain more clients than are lost, to grow organically or by strategic, successful acquisition or to achieve chartered or accredited status with a professional body.

While the Top 100 cannot show the individual client’s experience or how well-supported they feel after going through their financial plan, it can provide a snapshot of how advice companies are faring around the country.

What it shows is a thriving industry that, despite the ever-tightening grip of regulatory costs and a hardening professional indemnity market, is doing the very best by its clients and, by default, by itself. 

Advisers are succeeding despite Covid-19, the rise of the robots, the dearth of face-to-face meetings amid the pandemic and the vagaries of a political system that seems to give with one hand and take with the other. 

While various surveys suggest some advisers do not feel they can survive Covid-19, it is clear the majority of you can. 

By extrapolation, this shows your advice is not simply up to scratch but in fact excelling, with client wins and strong business retention across the board.